A Poem About Dogs and X-Ray Vision
I mass produce garden weeds in my home lab,and I make my own luck.
I tell lies, whistle tones beyond the depths of human hearing,
Something just for you, my dog.
Leash-less and walking, I am exactly who I cry out to.
And, with my new Apple product, I can X-Ray view anyone until they are just raw bone,
I can shoot out lasers at my yard to mow it,
I can scream at the top of my lungs
and noise reduce it to nothing for the sake of the neighbors.
How innovative, how fresh.
This is all about me again,
this is all about me.
Lab made terrariums and me,
sitting in my yard,
so trimmed and nice,
with many trees, unlucky.
They say it takes two to tango,
But it only takes one to dance.
It takes one to move methodically,
Rhythmically, calculated,
It takes one to two-step.
Pointed feet and stretching limbs,
I am alone in my bedroom again,
And I am dancing like the weather,
Like the wind, like a storm.
I am dancing like the rain on the hood of your car
That night we camped out for shelter,
On the way back home from the beach.
It only takes one to dance
And so I plant my heels,
And I move,
And I swing,
And I jive,
Drumbeat in my chest.
But I cannot lie and say, I wish
You weren’t here with me.
I wish we were palm-in-palm
Square-shouldered and drawn inward.
Ballroom floor.
I wish we were moving in unison.
It takes two to tango
And only one to dance,
But when the music stop,
And stillness surfaces
And pointed feet return to flex,
I’d rather be a pair of two
Than alone stuck in my head.
C r a c k
Everyday I rise
And stretch
To drag my bones and feet
To cold porcelain
Where I sit,
For my day to begin
And then,
When I rise again
And I lift myself
I remember why
I was sitting in the first place
And so I bring myself back
To where it all started
And let my mind race,
And my eyes wander,
And my heart
And fall
And fall
Until I swallow it whole
And I choke
Until I can’t speak or b r e a t h e.
And then,
I cough it up
And just before I spit it out
Before I spit it out,
You come in.
And I force it back down
And even though I am eager
Eager to let you hear me,
To let you help me,
To let you love me,
The night has crept in
And you’re tired
And I’m tired
And so I’ll do it
Tomorrow I say.
Then with the sun
I rise again
And I drag myself
To sit amongst cold porcelain
Yet this time,
This time
My bones b r e.a k
And I cr a ck
And I fall in.